For 30+ years, our parish has been blessed to be in a position to offer scholarships to active young members seeking higher education. The generous bequests of the Schemick and Tolls families, along with the prudent investments of these monies, have given us the chance to assist our students with their educational endeavors. Applications for this year's scholarships are now available from Carol Deerson. To meet all of the eligibility requirements of this award, the applicant and his/her family must be members in good standing, as defined by the SS Peter and Paul Church, the Diocese of New York and New Jersey and the Orthodox Church in America (OCA), for at least two years prior to April 28th, 2024; they must also be regular participants in the sacramental life of the parish and demonstrate continuous stewardship/financial support. The student must be a high school graduate and enrolled in a two-year, four-year, or certificate granting institution; he/she must have high school and/or college grade point averages of 3.0 or better.
The completed application must be submitted by Sunday, April 28th. (Transcripts and references are due by Tuesday, May 28th) Incomplete documentation or an applicant who does not meet the criteria or the entry deadline will NOT be considered for a scholarship. The committee is committed to strictly adhering to these regulations and criteria and, in so doing, strives to honor the original intent of those who so nobly donated to make these scholarships possible. Please contact Carol Deerson at (732-254-4979) with questions or concerns.