AB MIchael Visit - 09/22/2024
On September 21 and 22, Archbishop MICHAEL graced us with his Annual Pastoral visit. See photos of Liturgy below, including recipients of grammata for 50 years of service!
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MensClub Work Day - 08/17/2024
Members of the Ss Peter and Paul Men's Club resand and repaint the picnic benches at Seven Acres!
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Ss Peter and Paul Day - 06/29/2024
Parishioners celebrate the Feast Day and Procession during Ss. Peter and Paul's day Liturgy.
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Graduation Day - 06/19/2024
Parishioners celebrate graduation of students. Congratulations!
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Memorial Day - 05/27/2024
Father David and parishioners memorialize Lou Silva during the Annual Memorial Day Panihida at the cemetery.
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Holy Week Pascha Bright Monday - 05/04/2024
Various pictures form the entirelty of Holy Week, Pascha Liturgy and Agape, as well as Bright Monday with AB MICHAEL
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Chrismation - 04/27/2024
Chrismation of our four Catechumens! Congratulations!!
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Bushes replanting - 04/20/2024
During the weekend of Friday April 19, and Saturday April 20th, the Men's Club sponsored a site refurbishment. All the old bushes and weed trees along the neighbor's property line were removed and replaced with new smaller bushes. Mulch was added, and the lawn reseeded. Thanks to Mike for spearheading it, and Anatol and Alex for providing the necessary heavy equipment to get the job done.
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