Fr. David 25th Ann with AB Michael - 10/29/2023
Father David celebrated his 25th anniversary as a priest this weekend, with Archbishop Michael in attendance. Thank you Helene for the memories.(her pictures)
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Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers was celebrated with His Emminence Archbishop MICHAEL, His Grace, Bishop THOMAS of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdioceses of North America, and His Grace, Bishop IRENEJ of the Serbian Orthodox Epaarchy of Eastern America. Over 200 faithful parishioners were in attendence, in addition to over 20 clergy. A Lenten meal was served by the Parish Council, and somehow all left satisfied!
4-10-2023 Added Pics From the eye of Helene Tisch. Thanks Helene!
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Holy Week and Pascha 2023 - 04/16/2023
Various pictures from Holy Week, Pascha, Procession and post-Liturgy Agape meal.
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Memorial Day 2023 - 05/29/2023
Pictures from Memorial Day Panihida Service at the church Cemetery.
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Bright Monday 2023 - 04/17/2023
Pictures from Bright Monday with His Emminence, ArchBishop Michael.
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SAC Fundraiser - 05/20/2023
Pictures from the very successful St. Andrew's Camp Fundraiser held in our hall on Sunday, May 20, 2023.
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Fr.David Farewell - 04/02/2023
Thank you for your time here at Ss. Peter and Paul, and Good Luck in Florida!
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Graduations - 06/11/2023
Congratulations to all our Graduates this year! And Schemick-Tolls award winners!
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SSPeterandPaul Feastday - 06/29/2023
Just a few pictures from the procession onSs. Peter and Paul's Feastday, June 29th.
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Taste of the Parish - 06/04/2023
Pcitures from the sweet concert held by our youth during our Taste of the Parish meal.
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Spaghetti Dinner with Elvis - 07/08/2023
Pics from the Spaghetti Dinner with Elvis impersonator Richie Santa, hosted by our Men's Club. It was a great time and a very successful event.
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